Pictures of the Display

Below are pictures of our display.

click on Images for free larger view

Christmas 2013

Whole house view

Whole house view


Harley for Cam

Harley for Cam


Gingerbread House with lollypops

Gingerbread House with lollypops

The Nativity

The Nativity

Santa stuck in Chimnee

Santa stuck in Chimnee

Signs leading to back display

Signs leading to back display

Castle with Santa

Castle with Santa

Train on roof

Train on roof

Backyard Display

Polar bear and penguin

Polar bear and penguin

Penguin and baby

Penguin and baby

Ferris Wheel

Ferris Wheel

Crystal Eiffel tower with strobes

Crystal Eiffel tower with strobes


Older pictures (animated GIFS) Click on image to see

Xmas Xmas2 XmasXmas3


Motorcycle dedicated to Cam

Motorcycle dedicated to Cam



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